Fifty Days of UFO 50: Day 40

The cover image of the UFO 50 Original Soundtrack. A cluttered and chaotic mess of different characters and objects from the games clustered around a black and red LX computer console. All the models exist in a 3D style that evokes the modelling clay versions of game assets that were printed in the 80s and 90s

    At various times over the last month, I've been up late wracking my brain for what the next day's blog post should be about. In between prodding at several in-progress posts that have yet to cohere with an editing stick, I'll curse my foolishness at having not constrained the project to something orderly and sensical like, "play as much of a single game each day as you can, and just write about your impressions."
Never mind that some of the weirder, more personal or experimental posts wouldn't exist! At least each day would be pre-scoped. Well, this thing is what it is at this point, and every now and then, I'm simply overlooking a part of the whole dizzying experience that I really should've been writing about...


    I can only assume this is because it's been such a constant companion throughout the process of writing all these posts. I'm constantly idling in one game or another while writing or editing. In fact, right this second I'm being accompanied by:

Rock On! Island - Map

  • For the rolling sense of anticipation and setup
  • In isolation, sounds very futuristic and spacey to me
    • Alt+tabbed away from the caveman setting, this evokes a hangar bay full of mecha being prepared to launch in the lull between sorties
So I guess the plan today is to dig up the tracks that I've been spending the most time with during this process. The UFO 50 tracks with the longest "loop time!"

Mooncat - Fortress

  • For remembering the influence of an orbital fortress from the surface of the planet it once orbited
    • Proper deployment of this track might have prevented the growth of the Mana Beast

Warptank - Tower

  • For all that feel lost... May I find the next paragraph soon

Campanella - Stage 1

  • Things are going better than expected here beside the tracks
    • Excellent for trains of thought with a hamster-ferris-wheel-like grindset

UFO Recovery Team

  • More than a demoscene bop, this has become the anthem of posting to the google-damned internet superhighway
    • The sound of coffee making its way to my brain as I hit "Publish" on last night's entry and decide which line to put in the social media drop

Campanella - Stage 3

  • Another track for losing track of which track my mind's supposed to be on

Waldorf's Journey - Dream

  • The soundtrack to a mini-documentary about why capsule-born creatures will always look up at the night sky, despite the station not being visible
    • Also the sound of wind across an abandoned Golf course...

Warptank - Hub

  • This thing has its own headcanon at this point; Godot from the Ace Attorney games is piloting the WarpTank in search of coffee
    • That's quite simply what is going down
Mind you these are just the tracks that have been looping behind various writing sessions, not my necessarily my favorites or anything. The entire soundtrack is a broad and eclectic body of work that I'm not even listening to outside of the game yet. There's tons of track I haven't even heard!


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