Fifty Days of UFO 50: Day 27

I've got a few different blog entry irons in the fire at the moment, but none of them feel mature enough to edit and roll with today. The idea of writing ahead and posting from a backlog is highly appealing; what I wouldn't give to take a whole day off from UFO 50 and just play Metaphor Re Fantazio or Steam NextFest demos! Lofty, lofty goals...

Been taking a bit of a break from some of the games that I feel like I'm organically close to mastering or finishing because they fall into genres that I play a lot of:

  • Porgy and Vainger
    • search action patterns
  • Grimstone and Divers
    • role playing games
  • Valbrace and Mini & Max
    • adventure patterns
The theory being that if I'm going to try and gold/cherry as many of these carts as I can over the next few weeks, it would start to suck progressively harder as the field winnows down to only super challenging arcade style "one continue clear" affairs that I'm not sure I retain the hand-eye coordination and finger strength to actually get good at.

[You're going to be disappointed that this project isn't going to end with a screenshot where every single UFO 50 cartridge is cherry red. The goal was merely to do something specific every single day; to feel like you had a job and a purpose again. Exhaustion with the formulas of your own invention aside, you've been more productive in the last month than you've been in the year preceding it.]

I remain absolutely awful at Ninpek, Paint Chase, and Magic Garden...
I'll still get a couple of frustrating reps in on these arcade titles every day or two, but eventually I'm going to have to face the fact that mastering them will take a lot more focused repetition inside a single session. I'm sure intermittent practice is better than nothing, but like exercise, bigger gains will require tearing just a few more muscle fibers before letting them heal.

There's also some back-burner strategies going on, like trying to solve a couple of Block Koala puzzles every day, but that rate my need to increase if there's over 100 levels in that flamingo freak's capitalist oasis.

[You're pretty good at video games compared to 95% of the population, but when it comes to procrastinating or getting distracted, you've got to be some sort of virtuoso.]


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