Fifty Days of UFO 50: Day 15

[Since you're too busy exploring Vainger at the moment to edit your notes down into anything intelligible, we'll once again have to make do with a pile of your unvarnished observational ramblings...]

SEASIDE DRIVE somehow knows that it's spooky season?!

    After fancifully writing about the transition between the first and second level, I break on through to the end of the game and discover that level three is 2 spooky 4 you:

  • Blood red homing skulls
  • Cheeky tongue sheet ghost shooters
  • Ghastly chain chomp specters
  • Cyclopean charging tombstone golems
  • THE MOON itself turns out to be one eye of a celestial angry face wielding a master hand!?

Grandma made me some pies! (If you know, you know)
Why are the majority of the Seaside Drive credits posted in the form of first and last initials?
A nod to Japanese companies trying to obfuscate roles to make poaching more difficult? Maybe by 1989 other companies were fictionally sniffing around UFO Soft. (This is the final year of the collection, after all)

Being able to nail the gold cartridge requirement in Seaside Drive feels pretty good, but something tells me nailing the cherry is going to take a couple days more practice...

    I turned the damn scan lines on low and I think I kinda like 'em?!
Only learned they were in the options thanks to Mossmouth posting patch notes:
"...SOFT CRT shader tweaked because certain colors were not displaying properly."
Staring down the incomplete home screen still feels pretty daunting. Write about something that demystifies that feeling?

  1. Grimstone
    • Why? Just the knowledge that this is a whole wild west themed NaPa RPG is daunting.
  2. Party House
    • Why? Others have been saying this is a great little deckbuilder and part of me is scared I won't like it as much as some critical voices I respect given my whole card game history... thing.
  3. Rail Heist
    • Why? Very similar situation to Party House, I know of a couple Gunpoint and Heat Signature enjoyers that got sucked in by this one and if it doesn't immediately grab me there's a fear I'll catch "bad taste" or something?
  4. Valbrace
    • The demo attract mode on the main menu keeps showing me an intense snippet of some Wizardry-lookin dungeon crawler that breaks out into real time combat and I'm just SCARED, man... like, I'm gonna suck at a very cool looking video game!
  5. Mini & Max
    • Another standout praised on many a podcast. I suppose there's worse fears to have than worrying you're not going to appreciate some art enough?
[At least you seem to be taking your own phobias to task...]


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