ETNO: Guerrilla, Spirit, Electronics

    Keeping the ETNO random-three-word-prompted art streak alive for another week!
This time around, the simian imagery just didn't seem to be getting me anywhere, so I looked closer and latched onto the way the spelling of the word implied subversive military action instead of primates.

Unfortunately "Guerrilla" plus "Spirit" immediately sent me in the direction of ghosts on a Vietnamese war battlefield; a huge percentage of my instincts and impulses these days seem to be morbid and negative, but I don't have the energy to fight that too much in the context of what's supposed to be a very light creative lift, so here we are.
From there, "Electronics" made me think of a military cellular communications backpack. So the mental image was a radio-wave-ghost hovering over the remains of a Western battlefield comms soldier in a spike trap.

    Unless curbed, I can see a natural escalation in the amount of artistic skill and effort that goes into these week after week, and I want to encourage more of the ETNO crew to participate, even if their core skillsets aren't in the visual arts. So, this piece started as a simple Haiku, (to limit poetic scope, not because I'm confused about the difference between Japan and Vietnam!)

guerilla tactics
electronic subterfuge
the spirit remains

Super simple construction; uses each of the three words of the prompt on a different line of the poem to paint a (very vague) picture of the original idea.
Done and dusted!
...Except I seemingly completed the assignment too early in the week, because I kept mentally coming back to it and being dissatisfied that the Oxenfree-esque scene wasn't really going to come through without more embellishment.

    So I broke down and made an image after all, determined to keep the scope much lower than my last visual entry; just a dark and low detail background upon which I'd present the haiku text.

    I'm not super satisfied with the end result; the pit spike motif's a bit weak, and rather than subtly hiding the spirit behind the text I think I mostly succeeded in creating a bunch of weird and messy visual tangents.

Let this stand as a record of a much cooler concept though, I'm drawn to the idea of a soldier being electrocuted to death while wearing an active comms pack and their spirit gets all bound up in the radio waves as it leaves the body, resulting in a character that has to figure out what they've become by bouncing around telecommunications equipment and spookily manifesting in the air waves!


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